We’ve Got a New Attitude!

Welcome to Artitudes! Fearless Kids Making Art!  This blog is facilitated by me, Theresa Cerceo. I’m the very lucky Visual Arts Educator in a small (but powerful) public school district in the great state of Maine!   This blog will include entries written by myself and my students.  It’s main purpose is to share not just the art being made, but the ideas surrounding the artwork, our feelings about artists around the world & throughout time, and issues surrounding the arts.  Our goal (mine and my students) is to document our art world with a blog that is student centered while building bridges in our community through the arts.   Photo on 8-20-14 at 10.04 AM #2

12 thoughts on “We’ve Got a New Attitude!

  1. Love the name of the blog – Artitudes – Right on!! Can’t wait to see more and how your experiences unfold – kuddos to you all!


      1. Great job…..Sorry Colleen missed after
        school class on Tuesday she thought it was Thursday.


  2. Love the name!! I’m looking forward to seeing the amazing work I already know you all do! Best of luck, have a good school year, and I look forward to seeing your work!!!


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